Terms of use

Terms and Conditions




This website (the “site”) is owned and operated by Keerthiraman K.R., d/b/a “anichadigitalinfra.com” (“company,” "we,” or “us”). By using the site, you agree to be bound by these terms of service and to use the site in accordance with these terms of service, policy, and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the site or to products and services available through the site or from the company. Accessing the site in any manner, whether automated or otherwise, constitutes use of the site and your agreement to be bound by these terms of service. We reserve the right to change these terms of service or to impose new conditions on use of the site from time to time, in which case we will post the revised terms of service on this website. By continuing to use the site after we post any such changes, you accept the terms of service as modified.


Intellectual property rights.


Our limited license to you for  this site and all our materials available on the site is the property of our licensors and is also protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property laws. The site is provided solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not use our site and materials available on the site in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights; more specifically, unless explicitly authorized in these terms of service or by the owner of the materials, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, and create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material from the site. You may, however, from time to time download or print one copy of individual pages from our site for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.


Your license to us


By posting or submitting any material (including, without limitation, comments, blog entries, Facebook postings, photos, and videos) to us via the site, internet groups, social media venues, or to any of our staff via email, text, or otherwise, you are representing that you are the owner of the material or are making your posting or submission with the express consent of the owner of the material, and the foregoing grant shall include the right to exploit any proprietary rights in such posting or submission, including, but not limited to, rights under copyright, trademark, service mark, or patent laws under any relevant jurisdiction. Also, in connection with the exercise of such rights, you grant us and anyone authorized by us the right to identify you as the author of any of your postings or submissions by name, email address, or screen name, as we deem appropriate. The company shall be deemed  the author and exclusive owner thereof and shall have the right to exploit any or all of the results and proceeds in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in perpetuity, in all languages, as the company determines. in the event that any of the results and proceeds of your submissions hereunder are not deemed “work made for hire” under Section 101 of the Copyright Act, as amended, you hereby, without additional compensation, irrevocably assign, convey, and transfer to the company all proprietary rights, including without limitation, all copyrights and trademarks throughout the universe, in perpetuity in every medium, whether now known or hereafter devised, to such material and any and all right, title, and interest in and to all such proprietary rights in every medium, whether now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in perpetuity. Any posted material that reproduces prior works by you shall be co-owned by us.


 Limitations on linking and framing: You may establish a hypertext link to the site as long as the link does not state or imply any sponsorship of your site by us or by the site. however, you may

not, without our prior written permission, frame or inline link any of the content of the site or incorporate into another website or other service any of our material, content, or intellectual property.




Throughout the site, we may provide links and pointers to internet sites maintained by third parties. Our linking to such third-party sites does not imply an endorsement or sponsorship of such sites or the information, products, or services offered on or through the sites. In addition, neither we nor affiliates operate or control in any respect any information, products, or services that third parties may provide on or through the site or on websites linked to by us on the site. If applicable, any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, are those of the respective authors or distributors and not the company. Neither the company or any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content. Furthermore, the company neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made on any of the sites by anyone other than an authorized company representative while acting in his or her official capacity. The information, products, and services offered on or through the site and by the company, as well as any third-party sites, are provided “as is" and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use of or the results of the use of the site or materials on this site or on third-party sites in terms of their correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise. The company has no obligation whatsoever to monitor any of the content or postings on the message boards, chat rooms, or other public forums on the sites. However, you acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right to monitor the same at our sole discretion. in addition, we reserve the right to alter, edit, refuse to post, or remove any postings or content, in whole or in part, for any reason and to disclose such materials and the circumstances surrounding their transmission to any third party in order to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request and to protect ourselves, our clients, sponsors, users, and visitors. We occasionally include access to an online community as part of our programs. We want every single member to add value to the group. Our goal is to make your community the most valuable community you’re a member of. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove anyone at any time. We rarely do this, but we want to let you know how seriously we take our communities.




To access certain features of the site, we may ask you to provide certain demographic information, including your gender, year of birth, zip code, and country. In addition, if you elect to sign up for a particular feature of the site, such as chat rooms, weblogs, or bulletin boards, you may also be asked to register with us on the form provided, and such registration may require you to provide personally identifiable information, such as your name and email address. Agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by the site’s registration form. if we have reasonable grounds to If we suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the site (or any portion thereof). Our use of any personally identifiable information you provide to us as part of the registration process is governed by the terms of our privacy policy.




To use certain features of the site, you will need a username and password, which you will receive through the site’s registration process. you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account and are responsible for all activities (whether by you or by others) that occur under your password or account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security and to ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. we cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your password or account



Limitation of liability:


Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence,shall we, our subsidiary and parent companies or affiliates, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the site, including our

messaging, blogs, comments of others, books, emails, products, or services, or third-party materials, products, or services made available through the site or by us in any way, even if we are advised beforehand of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not specifically acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any user. If you are dissatisfied with the site, any materials, products, or services on the site, or with any of the site’s terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the site and the products and services.




we may cancel or terminate your right to use the site or any part of the site at any time without notice. In the event of a cancellation or termination, you are no longer authorized to access the part of the site affected by such a cancellation or termination. The restrictions imposed on you with respect to material downloaded from the site and the disclaimers and limitations of liability set forth in these terms of service shall survive. 


Refund policy: Your purchase of a product, service, or ticket to an event may not provide for any refund. each specific product, service, event, or course will specify its own refund policy.




Although it is highly unlikely, this policy may be changed at any time at our discretion. if we

should update this policy, we will post the updates to this page on our website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please direct them to: support@anichadigitalinfra.com The privacy policy at Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited understands that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personally identifiable information.


When you use this website, this privacy policy tells you how we protect and use the information that we gather from you. By using this website, you consent to the terms described in the most recent version of this privacy policy. You should also read our terms of use to understand the

general rules about your use of this website, and any additional terms that may apply when you

access particular services or materials in certain areas of this website. "we" and “our” mean

Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited, and “you,” “your,” visitor," or" "user" meant the individual accessing this site. Personal and non-personal information our privacy policy identifies, How we treat your personal and non-personal information, What is non-personal information, and how is it collected and used? Non-personal information is information that does not identify you. If you visit this website to read information, such as information about one of our services, we may collect certain non-personal information about you from your computer’s web browser. Because non-personal information cannot identify you or be tied to you in any way, there are no restrictions on the ways that we can use or share non-personal information. What is personal information, and how is it collected? Personal information is information that identifies you as an individual, such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number. we may collect personal information from you in a variety of ways, including: 

• when you send us an application or other form; 

• when you conduct a transaction with us, our affiliates, or others; 

• when we collect information about in you in support of a transaction, such as credit card information 

• In some places on this website, you have the opportunity to send us personal information about yourself, to elect to receive particular information, to purchase access to one of our products or services, or to participate in an activity. 


Are cookies or other technologies used to collect personal information?


Yes, we may use cookies and related technologies, such as web beacons, to collect information on our website. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie. One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the web server that you have returned to a specific page.


For example, if you register with us, a cookie helps Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so on. When you return to Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited’s website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the features that you customized. A web beacon is a small graphic image that allows the party that sets the web beacon to monitor and collect certain information about the viewer of the web page, web-based document, or e-mail message, such as the type of browser requesting the web beacon, the IP address of the computer that the web beacon is sent to, and the time the web beacon was viewed. Web beacons can be very small and invisible to the user, but, in general, any electronic image viewed as part of a web page or e-mail, including HTML-based content, can act as a web beacon. We may use web beacons to count visitors to the web pages on the website or to monitor how our users navigate the website, and we may include web beacons in e-mail messages in order to count how many messages sent were actually opened, acted upon, or forwarded. Third-party vendors may also use cookies on our website.


 For instance, we may contract with third parties who will use cookies on our website to track and analyze anonymous usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and members. Such information is shared externally only on an anonymous, aggregated basis. These third parties use persistent cookies to help us improve the visitor experience, manage our site content, and track visitor behavior.


You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept

cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. if you

If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited. websites you visit. How does Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited use personal information? Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited may keep and use the personal information we collect from or about you to provide you with access to this website or other products or services, to respond to your requests, bill you for products or services you purchased, to provide ongoing service and support, and to contact you with information that might be of interest to you, including information about products and services of ours and of others, or to ask for your opinion about our products or the products of others, for record-keeping and analytical purposes, and to research, develop, and improve programs, products, services, and content. personal information collected online may be combined with information you provide to us through other sources; we may also remove your personal identifiers (your name, email, address, social security number, etc.). In this case, you would no longer be identified as a single, unique individual. Once we have de-identified information, it is non-personal information, and we may treat it like other non-personal information. Finally, we may use your personal information to protect our rights or property, or to protect someone’s health, safety, or welfare, and to comply with a law or regulation, a court order, or other legal processes. 


Does Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited share personal information with others? 


We will not share your personal information collected from this website with an unrelated third party without your permission, except as otherwise provided in this privacy policy. In the ordinary course of business, we may share some personal information with companies that we hire to perform services or functions on our behalf. in all cases in which we share your personal information with a third party for the purpose of providing a service to us, we will not authorize them to keep, disclose or use your information with others except for the purpose of providing

the services we asked them to provide. We will not sell, exchange, or publish your personal information except in conjunction with a corporate sale, merger, dissolution, or acquisition. For some sorts of transactions, in addition to our direct collection of information, our third-party service vendors (such as credit card companies, clearinghouses, and banks) who may provide such services as credit, insurance, and escrow services may collect personal information directly from you to assist you with your transaction. We do not control how these third parties use such information, but we do ask them to disclose how they use your personal information before they collect it.


If you submit a review for a third party (person or business) using our Facebook fan review application, during the submission process we ask your permission to gather your basic information (such as name and email address), which we then share with the third party for whom you are submitting the review. We may be legally compelled to release your personal information in response to a court order, subpoena, search warrant, law, or regulation. We may cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating and prosecuting website visitors who violate our rules or engage in behavior that is harmful to other visitors (or illegal). We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we feel that the disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or property or someone’s health, safety, or welfare, or to comply with a law or regulation, a court order, or other legal processes. As discussed in the section on cookies and other technologies, from time to time we may allow a third party to serve advertisements on this website. If  you share information with the advertiser, including by clicking on their ads, this privacy policy does not control the advertiser’s use of your personal information. and you should check the privacy policies of those advertisers and/or ad services to learn about their use of cookies and other technology before linking to an ad. 


How is personal information used for communications?


We may contact you periodically by email, mail, or telephone to provide information regarding programs, products, services, and content that may be of interest to you. in addition, some of

The features on this website allow you to communicate with us using an online form. If your communication requests a response from us, we may send you a response via email. The

An email response or confirmation may include your personal information. we cannot guarantee

that our emails to you will be secure from unauthorized interception.


How is personal information secured?


We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized personnel and third-party vendors have access to your personal information, and these employees and vendors are required to treat this information as confidential. Despite

with these precautions, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your personal information.

 Links: This site contains links to other sites that provide information that we consider to be interesting. Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. 

Public discussions: This site may provide public discussions on various business valuation topics. Please note that any information you post in these discussions will become public. So please do not post sensitive information in public discussions. Whenever you publicly disclose information online, that information could be collected and used by others. We are not responsible for any actions or policies of any third parties who collect information that users disclose in any such forums on the website. Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited does not agree or disagree with anything posted on the discussion board. Also, remember that you must comply with our other published policies regarding postings on our public forums.


How can a user access, change, and/or delete personal information?


You may access, correct, update, and/or delete any personally identifiable information that you

submit to the website. You may also unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations on the website. To do so, please either follow instructions on the page of the website on which you have provided such information, subscribe, or register, or contact us at support@anichadigitalinfra.com children’s privacy Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited will not intentionally collect any personal information (such as a child’s name or email address) from children under the age of 13. If you think that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, please contact us. Changes Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited reserves the right to modify this statement at any time. Any changes to this privacy policy will be listed in this section, and if such changes are material, a notice will be included on the homepage of the website for a period of time. if you have any questions about privacy at any websites operated by Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited.




No earnings projections, promises, or representations you recognize and agree with Anicha Digital Infrastructure (we) have made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited products and/or services, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance that you will do as well as stated in any example; if you rely on any figures provided, you must accept the entire risk of not doing so, as well as the information provided. This applies whether the earnings or income examples are monetary in nature or pertain to advertising credits that may be earned (whether such credits are convertible to cash or not). There is no assurance that any prior successes or past results as to earnings or income (whether monetary or advertising credits, whether convertible to cash or not) will apply, nor can any prior successes be used as an indication of your future success or results from any of the information, content, or strategies. Any and all claims or representations as to income or earnings (whether monetary or advertising credits, whether convertible to cash or not) are not to be considered “average earnings”. (i) The economy. the sales, both where you do business and on a national and even worldwide scale, create additional uncertainty and economic risk. An economic recession or depression might negatively affect the results produced by Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited products and/or services. (ii) Your success or lack thereof Your success in using the information or strategies provided at http://www.anichadigitalinfra.com/ depends on a variety of factors. we have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, your work ethic, your dedication, your motivation, your desire, or your business skills or practices. Therefore, we do not guarantee or imply that you will get rich, that you will do as well, or that you will have any earnings (whether monetary or advertising credits, whether convertible to cash or not). Internet businesses and earnings derived therefrom involve unknown risks and are not suitable for everyone. you may not rely on any information presented on the website or otherwise provided by us unless you do so with the knowledge and understanding that you can experience significant losses (including, but not limited to, the loss of any monies paid to purchase Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited products and/or services and/or any monies spent setting up, operating, and/or marketing the product litigation reform act of 1995). Looking-forward statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Any and all forward-looking statements here, in other materials contained on this website, or in materials purchased and/or downloaded from this website are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results, and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else. In fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material. (iv) Due diligence you are advised to do your own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and should use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. You should check with your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on this or any other information. you may not consider any examples, documents, or other content on the website or otherwise provided by us to be the equivalent of professional advice. Nothing contained on the website or in materials available for sale or download on the website provides professional advice in any way. you should consult with your own accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor for any questions you may have. We assume no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from your use of any link, information, or opportunity contained within the website or within any information disclosed by the owner of this site in any form whatsoever. (v) purchase price. Although we believe the price is fair for the value that you receive, you understand and agree that the purchase price for Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited products and/or services has been arbitrarily set by us. This price bears no relationship to objective standards.


No-refund policy:


Once paid, registration fees for courses and other workshops are non-refundable. If a registrant

desires to reschedule his or her registration for a course or workshop, registration is transferable

to another course or a workshop hosted by Anicha Digital Infrastructure Private Limited internet coaching empire, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, or assigns the anicha digital infrastructure "we" or "us" so long as the registrant provides us with at least thirty (30) days of written or electronic (emailed) notice of the desire to transfer the registration for your rescheduled course or workshop. take place within one (1) month from the original course or workshop date. A transfer certificate will be saved in your personal record with the Anicha digital infrastructure in the amount of the rupees paid for the original registration. An administrative fee of Rs. 0 will apply in the workshop where you transfer your course or workshop date as permitted above,or the transfer of course tickets or credit is not permitted. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a course or related workshop(s) in our sole discretion. If we cancel or postpone a course or workshop, we will use reasonable efforts to reschedule the canceled or postponed course or workshop within twelve (12) months from its original start date. Registration fees paid by participants for a canceled or postponed course shall be applicable to the rescheduled course on a rupee-for-rupee basis only. In the workshop, the Anicha digital infrastructure is selected. Not to reschedule the canceled course or workshop, the registrant will be offered a refund. If this occurs, our responsibility is limited to a refund of any registration fees already paid. The recommendation is not responsible for airline tickets, hotel costs, other tickets or payments, or any similar fee penalties, related or unrelated losses, costs, and/or expenses the registrant may incur or have incurred as a result of any trip cancellations or changes. Please allow thirty (30) days for us to process any refunds or credit changes. The course and location are subject to change without prior notice. Anicha Digital Infrastructure reserves the right to change any and all instructors for each course or workshop without notice. By registering for a course, you acknowledge that the Anicha digital infrastructure does not make any representation, warranty, or guarantee as to whether you will ultimately attain sufficient understanding and knowledge to get clients and customers. Regardless of whether you get a client, once paid, the registration fee becomes non-refundable. any right to a refund is not dependent on whether you are a client or a customer. From Anicha Digital Infrastructure registration confirmations, you will receive a course information letter via email two weeks before the scheduled dates of your course. if you have not received it by two weeks before the scheduled dates of your course. Please contact the office at +91 9489475000 or email support@anichadigitalinfra.com registration confirmations You will receive a course or hotel/venue information letter via email two weeks before the scheduled dates of your course. if you have not received it by two weeks before the scheduled dates of your course. Please contact the office at +91 9489475000 or email support@anichadigitalinfra.com.